The information on this website is provided for informational purposes only and does not create a legal relationship or constitute legal advice. Contacting the Law Office of Jordan A. Ciliberto through means of this website is not confidential, does not create a confidential relationship, does not create an attorney-client relationship, and does not create an obligation that the Law Office of Jordan A. Ciliberto will represent you in any matter. Prior to the creation of any attorney-client relationship between Jordan A. Ciliberto and any individual a formal engagement agreement must be executed.
The information on this website is not guaranteed to be accurate or up to date with current law. Individuals should not rely on the information on this website without first seeking advice from counsel licensed in the individual's state.
Jordan A. Ciliberto is only licensed to practice law in the State of California and cannot, and does not desire, to represent any party viewing this website in a state where Jordan A. Ciliberto is not licensed to practice law or where this website does not comply with the laws and ethical rules of that state.