Administration is the final step in estate planning. It can be a full time job even for seasoned professionals. Administration includes probating a will under supervision and control of the Court, handling a trust after death in order to make distribution of assets to beneficiaries or addressing creditor issues, and maintaining an ongoing trust that is to provide support for an individual's lifetime.
Many people make the mistake of trying to handle probating a will or administering a trust on their own and without the aid of legal counsel. However, the duties and obligations placed on an executor or trustee by the law are numerous. The consequences that can arise from violation of those duties are serious and can be costly. Therefore administration can be overwhelming and can create significant conflict between family members who are already grieving the loss of a loved one and experiencing life transitions. The numerous lawsuits arising from inattentive or incorrect administration are no surprise to seasoned estate attorneys.
Because of my experience in trust and estate litigation, specifically in defending trustees and executors from claims brought by beneficiaries because of faulty administration, I am able to provide clients with pragmatic administration counsel. This includes helping clients navigate all legal requirements and advising on required dates, deadlines, and procedures. My administration and litigation experience helps clients recognize and get in front of the issues which commonly lead to conflict and expose a trustee or executor to liability.
Administration and Real Property
My real property practice helps me provide clients with guidance on handling administration as it relates to property issues. This includes assisting with leasing of property held by the trust or estate, management of property co-owned after distribution, preserving real property tax assessments after distribution to children or grandchildren, and sale of inherited property between beneficiaries.